2030 & 2050
Sustainability Goals

Driving toward a better future for everyone

As part of our commitment to corporate sustainability and environmental stewardship, we have set ambitious sustainability targets for 2030 and 2050, including a path toward net zero emissions by 2050. We believe that not only are these goals achievable, but they are vital for protecting the people and the environment in the communities where we work.

We developed our goals by consulting with our stakeholders to effectively balance near-term priorities with long-term opportunities.

Near-term Priorities

  • Increasing alternative fuel usage and fuel efficiency
  • Water metering and conservation
  • Front line employee development
  • Environmental product declarations
  • Embodied concrete and methane capture

We strive to meet and exceed these goals by setting our sights firmly on a better future for our company, our communities and our planet.

Long-term Opportunities

Piloting new technologies such as:

  • Increasing alternative fuel usage and fuel efficiency
  • Standardized reclamation plans
  • Exploring pilots for carbon capture and storage
  • 100% closed loop water systems across the business
  • Renewable power agreements with utility partners

We strive to meet and exceed these goals by setting our sights firmly on a better future for our company, our communities and our planet.

Carbon Reduction

客户和投资者s have set a goal: attaining a lower carbon future is not an aspiration, it’s a necessity. That is why we have made it a priority to achieve net zero carbon emissions by 2050.

We aim to ensure that Summit is a leader in our industry’s decarbonization efforts through product and operational innovation. We believe that with currently available technologies, approximately 25% of our 2020 baseline impacts can be addressed by 2030, and 50-75% of those impacts can be addressed by 2050. As an interim step, we plan to address the balance of those impacts with market-based offsets and credits in order to achieve net zero emissions.

M MT CO2e Emittes(M MT CO2e)
1.6 - 2.0
0.5 - 1.2With offsets to get to net zero
0.25With offsets to get to net zero
RENEWABLE POWER(by percentage)

Learn more about our comprehensive approach to reducing carbon emissions.

As we continue to explore and evaluate emerging technologies, we remain focused on reducing our carbon footprint and leading the way toward a more sustainable future.

Land Reclamation

We intend to leave the land better than we found it.

With more than 400 sites and plants, Summit’s operations impact ecosystems and communities across North America. At each and every one of them, we intend to leave the land better than we found it.

Reclamation and rehabilitation of depleted sites and plants can serve to mitigate environmental impact, generate goodwill and extend site usefulness. That’s why we seek to measure every drop of water we consume and divert as much waste as possible to help us reach our goal of zero waste and net water positive operations. Once we reach the end of the mine or site life, we work diligently to preserve and protect both the land and the communities that depend on it.

FRESHWATER WITHDRAWN(reduction by percentage)
LAND PRESERVED & CONVERTED(by percent of total acres)
WASTE DIVERTED(MT, target by % of waste diverted)

Our 2030 and 2050 land reclamation goals reflect our core values and our commitment to responsible corporate stewardship.

Download our complete 2022 ESG Report for more information about how we are working diligently to reach our sustainability goals.

Although Summit Materials, Inc. (“Summit,” or “Company”) believes that the assumptions inherent in these forward-looking statements are reasonable, the reader should not place undue reliance on these statements.Forward looking informationis prepared as of January 1, 2022. Please see our “Risk Factors” in Summit’s Annual Report on Form 10-K as filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission and our subsequent filings.