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Recent Articles

July 15, 2022

Roadmap to Carbon Neutrality: Summit joins industrywide sustainability plan

Sustainable production and use of concrete can have a significant effect on the environment, since concrete is the most-used material (other than water) on the planet, representing about half of...

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July 1, 2022

Water works: Summit project reduces thousands of plastic bottles

The health of the environment affects everyone, and it will take all of us — working in ways big and small — to help protect and preserve the environment...

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How strong corporate values drive successful sustainability initiatives

不仅is corporate sustainability the right thing to do, it’s increasingly critical to sustaining customer, employee, and stakeholder relationships. That’s reflected in multiple studies confirming the importance of...

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May 15, 2022

Water conservation in the building materials industry

Water is precious and necessary to sustain life. But because of climate change and other factors, water scarcity is growing. Some regions are already experiencing water shortages, and research...

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May 1, 2022

How building materials companies can reduce carbon emissions

The building materials industry has an environmental impact that extends well beyond quarry sites. From extraction machinery known as “yellow iron” to cement kilns and other production equipment to...

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