
Safety Mission Statement

Safety is a core value at Summit Materials, and is part of everything we do. We are uncompromising in our commitment to safety and the well-being of our employees, our customers, and our communities. We engage and empower our employees to develop and create safe work environments by providing quality training, continually improving our systems and processes, and listening to our employees’ ideas. Safety is the responsibility of every individual at Summit Materials and we are all held accountable for going home safe at the end of each work day. Our goal is World Class Performance, by achieving ZERO incidents daily. Most importantly, if there is a safety concern, each employee has the authority to stop any job, at any time.

Our Safety Culture

We are disciplined in our approach to safety. Across all business lines, functions, and companies, we aim for a world class safety program and work diligently to deliver on that goal. We use workplace organization tools, like 5S (sort, set in order, shine, standardize and sustain), to ensure that issues such as housekeeping and storage don’t become hazards for our employees and communities. Risk assessments and our 10 safety principles give us a framework for decision making, helping to ensure that all tasks are carried out with safety first in mind. Additionally, we hold weekly safety meetings, tool box talks, and regular trainings to keep ideas fresh and to develop a culture where safety is everyone’s job.


Led by Dana Gortney and Todd Swenson, the Summit Materials Safety Team work to ensure that our employees stay safe throughout every task they perform. Whether that is simply entering the office building each day or driving a loader, our team of safety professionals works to ensure that the task is done safely and efficiently. At Summit, we are family and safety is everyone’s responsibility.

Summit Materials' 10 Safety Principles